Pamela Ayo Yetunde, J.D., Th.D

Pamela Ayo Yetunde, J.D., Th.D is co-founder of Center of the Heart and founder of Audre: Spiritual Care for Women with Cancer. She is a pastoral counselor, lay Buddhist leader, and teacher of pastoral care and counseling. Yetunde is co-editor with Cheryl A. Giles of Black and Buddhist: What Buddhism Can Teach Us About Race, Resilience, Transformation, and Freedom (Shambhala Publications, 2020), She is also the author of Buddhist-Christian Dialogue, U.S. Law, and Womanist Theology for Transgender Spiritual Care (Palgrave Macmillan, 2020) and Object Relations, Buddhism, and Relationality in Womanist Practical Theology (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018). Ayo teaches Buddhist chaplaincy at Upaya Institute and Zen Center.